Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects an estimated 12 million people worldwide. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the incidence may be somewhat higher in females and most patients with severe cases are diagnosed during middle age. Older patients tend to face more severe symptoms than younger adults […]

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5 Steps to a Healthy Heart with Acupuncture Newsletter JulyFebruary is the American Heart Association’s Heart Health Awareness Month, emphasizing the dangers of heart disease and the importance of heart health. Heart disease includes conditions affecting the heart, such as coronary heart disease, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and congenital heart disease. Despite dramatic medical […]

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Facial nerve palsy Facial nerve palsy is a nervous system disorder in which a damaged nerve in the skull affects the movement of the muscles of the face. It is a form of cranial mononeuropathy VII. Causes Facial nerve palsy occurs when there is damage to the seventh cranial (facial) nerve. The seventh facial nerve […]

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knee pain Causes Knee pain usually results from overuse, poor form during physical activity, not warming up or cooling down, or inadequate stretching. Simple causes of knee pain often clear up on their own with self care. Being overweight can put you at greater risk for knee problems.

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Treating stroke with acupuncture By Dr Win Huang A stroke is an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain. A stroke is sometimes called a “brain attack.” Causes A stroke happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted because a blood vessel in the brain is blocked […]

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Low back pain – acute Pain felt in your lower back may come from the spine, muscles, nerves, or other nearby structures. It may also be due to problems in your mid or upper back, the testicles or ovaries, or a hernia in the groin.

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Do you also suffer from chronic insomnia? by Creative Communications Modern life forces so many of us to live life in the fast lane, mentally and physically. Almost every one of us has more on our plate than can be accomplished in a 24-hour day. As a result, we try to offset the lack of […]

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Treating menopause with Acupuncture Menopause can be treated in a multitude of ways but while hormone treatments are popular, not every woman wants to take a prescription medication. Instead, some women will look to alternative treatments to improve women’s health. One such treatment is acupuncture, which can help many different health issues, including menopause. If […]

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research-article THE ANALGESIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE IN CHRONIC TENNIS ELBOW PAIN A. MOLSBERGER and E. HILLE Orthopädische Klinik der Universität Düsseldorf Germany Correspondence to: Correspondence to: A. Molsberger, Kasemenstr. 1b, 4000 Düsseldorf 1, Germany. The immediate analgesic effect of a single non-segmental acupuncture stimulation treatment on chronic tennis elbow pain was studied in a placebo–controlled […]

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