Welcome to PhD Win acupuncture clinic in Auckland

Meet PhD Win Huang

Bringing balance to your mind, body, and spirit naturally with transformational acupuncture in Auckland. Experience emotional peace and physical well-being with a natural, holistic approach.

PhD Win Mile Stone

1981- 1984 Learning in Heze Medical School

1884- 1989 worked in the Zaozhuang City Hospital

1989- 1995     Learning in Heilongjiang Traditional Chinese Medicine University

1992      Master’s degree in acupuncture

1995      Doctorate in acupuncture

1995 – 2001     Vice Director of the acupuncture department at Shangdong Hospital

1995-2001    Associate  Professor  of Shangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine                         University and Shangdong Medical University (part-time)

2002 – now Ph.D. Win Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic in Auckland

Our acupuncture treatment is a powerful, effective method to achieve emotional balance and physical health.

And we’ve helped thousands of patients recover from their health issues – naturally. helping health issues such as:

HeadacheHemiplegiaFacial paralysis
Neck & shoulder painTennis elbowCarpal tunnel syndrome
Lower back & knee painAnkle sprainChronic fatigue
Low energy/immunityRepetitive Strain InjuryMigraine
DepressionMenopauseSports injury

PhD Win Huang Lecture

Our Services








Treatment Massage


Please make an appointment, click below link online booking   she have a bad face pain for 2 weeks, worse while eating, speaking and washing, the severe pain is 10/10, doctor said it is trigeminal neuralgia, she came to see me and acupuncture. I did examination, found that her right face is sensitive, so it […]
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she is a deaf who has trigeminal neuralgia for 2 weeks, see her sign language

Please make an appointment, click below link online booking She has had an unhealthy body and mind for 25 years, and she is very busy seeing doctors, including both Western and Chinese medicine practitioners. She is a fan of Chinese medicine and takes herbs in Australia, but she still doesn’t feel right in her body. […]
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[ patient’s feedback] Migraine | anxiety |depression | dizziness | tiredness | Auckland acupuncture and Chinese medicine

Please schedule an appointment by clicking the link below: online book She had a discectomy due to the cauda equina syndrome 8 years ago, then she feels lower back pain and numbness, legs pain and uncomfortable, and bowl and bladder are not normal, weakness in the both legs, swollen and pain in knees and ankles, […]
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cauda equina syndrome , post discectomy , lower back pain , legs numbness , Numbness in the saddle area of ​​the body ,Auckland acupuncture eclinic

【patient’s feedback】 cauda equina syndrome | post discectomy | lower back pain | legs numbness | Numbness in the saddle area of ​​the body | Auckland acupuncture eclinic

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The day before yesterday she send a message, she wanted to make an appointment, and told me her problems. She has a stomach problem, who feels uncomfortable in stomach areas for 5 months. Tingling ,tightness, floating and pump gas from stomach to throat, the uncomfortable feeling radiates to the both flanks. She takes the medicine […]
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【Patient’s Review and My Opinion 】 Dear Dr Wen, this is the first morning in month’s that I’ve felt almost normal!?

The day before yesterday she send a message, she wanted to make an appointment, and told me her problems. She has a stomach problem, who feels uncomfortable in stomach areas for 5 months. Tingling ,tightness, floating and pump gas from stomach to throat, the uncomfortable feeling radiates to the both flanks. She takes the medicine […]
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【Patient’s Review and My Opinion 】 Dear Dr Wen, this is the first morning in month’s that I’ve felt almost normal!?


Success Stories

Acupuncture is a powerful, effective method to achieve emotional balance and physical well-being. We’ve helped thousands of patients recover from their health issues – naturally. As we aim to become the top rated acupuncture in Auckland.



Thoracic outlet syndrome

Learning from PHD Win how to practice for the left elbow pain and back pain, following Win’s thinking

https://youtu.be/krJeWrhUvgI He had left arm pain for three months and left back pain for two months. He came to see me for his tennis elbow and mentioned that...
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TMJ disorder, TMJ pain, TMJ soreness, headache,lesser occipital neuralgia, auriculotemporal neuralgia, auckland acupuncture clinic

非常有意思的一个病案,欢迎参与讨论! [ PhD Win Medical Case] Spasm from neck to the head, face, tongue, throat, stomach , leg for10 years

https://youtu.be/JYr6_VGNucQ The condition has persisted for about 10 years, occurring 1-2 times a week, each episode lasting approximately 5-10 minutes. What possible conditions come to your mind? Please...
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burning pain in the feet, nerve entrapment, nerve pain, auckland, newzealand, acupuncture, chinese medicine

【黄博士中医诊所的患者来自世界各地】Our customer from different Countries and Cities for their Shoulders pain, Bill’s palsy, insomnia

https://youtu.be/sQ65P-iFU74 黄博士中医诊所的患者来自世界各地,包括太平洋岛国大溪地、邻国澳大利亚,以及新西兰各大城市,如基督城、惠灵顿、汉密尔顿、激流岛、Hawke's Bay 和北地等。 从诊所的角度来看,吸引不同地区的患者,提供优质服务,实施最佳治疗方案,让患者满意,才能建立良好口碑。而口碑传播,往往是最有效的宣传方式。 作为患者,最重要的是找到真正有效的治疗,而不是只图便利。即便是多开几十分钟的车,甚至搭乘飞机来看病,如果能获得更好的疗效,都是值得的。 希望通过这个视频,让同行和患者朋友们了解到,看病不应受距离的限制,关键是选择最合适的治疗。 感谢您的支持! PhD Win Huang's Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic treats patients from all over the world, including Tahiti in the Pacific Islands,...
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Booking Our Services

Cancellation Policy: I understand that special circumstances are unavoidable and a cancellation may be necessary. Please e-mail me (drwinacupuncture@gmail.com) anytime or text me on 0211793736 during regular business hours to cancel or reschedule your appointments. Remember, any cancellation and/or rescheduling can be done 12 hours prior to your appointment.

February 2025
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