Treating stroke with acupuncture
Treating stroke with acupuncture
By Dr Win Huang
A stroke is an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain. A stroke is sometimes called a “brain attack.”
A stroke happens when blood flow to a part of the brain is interrupted because a blood vessel in the brain is blocked or bursts open.
If blood flow is stopped for longer than a few seconds, the brain cannot get blood and oxygen. Brain cells can die, causing permanent damage.
There are two major types of stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke.
Ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to the brain is blocked by a blood clot.
Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in part of the brain becomes weak and bursts open, causing blood to leak into the brain. Some people have defects in the blood vessels of the brain that make this more likely. The flow of blood that occurs after the blood vessel ruptures damages brain cells.
symptoms depend on the severity of the stroke and what part of the brain is affected. Symptoms may include:
• Muscle weakness in the face, arm, or leg (usually just one side)
• Numbness and tingling on one side of the body
• Trouble speaking or understanding others who are speaking
• Problems with eyesight, including decreased vision, double vision, or total loss of vision
• Sensation changes that affect touch and the ability to feel pain, pressure, different temperatures, or other stimuli
• Changes in hearing
• Change in alertness (including sleepiness, ,unconsciousness and coma)
• Personality, mood, or emotional changes
• Confusion or loss of memory
• Difficulty swallowing
• Changes in taste
• Difficulty writing or reading
• Loss of coordination
• Loss of balance
• Clumsiness
• Trouble walking
• Dizziness or abnormal sensation of movement (vertigo)
• Lack of control over the bladder or bowels
Acupuncture therapy for stroke-caused conditions such as paralysis, speech and swallowing problems, and depression is commonly used in China , acupuncturist is likely to start therapy as soon as possible after a stroke.
Does acupuncture really work to help stroke victims improve? Many studies involving thousands of patients have been published in China . These studies indicate that patients get well faster, perform better in self-care, require less nursing and rehabilitation therapy, and use less healthcare dollars.
If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518 or visit us 1054 new north road ,mt albert. if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com
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