“HI, D@@@@@l and I came to visit yesterday for treatment for D@@@@@l’s Shingles (PHN). D@@@@@l is feeling better than he has for the past year. While the area is still sensitive, the pain is much reduced. D@@@@@l has taken no painkillers since seeing you yesterday. We will book for further acupuncture next Wednesday as […]
> View article“I should have went to Dr Win first when I sprained both my wrist while lifting my new born son. It seems to be a common issues named Mummy wrist. My wife booked me in because I did not want to go the path of steroid injection, which it will eventually lead to surgery. At […]
> View articleshe has migraine since 13 years old, but she has a permanent aura, and she feels bad nausea and gaging for one year. she had one session treatment (acupuncture, cupping and herbs) in 02/06/2021, then nausea, aura is gone, completely disappear. today (13/06/2021)she come to do second treatment. she left a review in google today […]
> View articleGenerally speaking, Chinese people may prefer to take traditional Chinese herbs when they are suffering from medical conditions, while the local Kiwis prefer to take western medicines in form of tablets, even for those Kiwi patients who are coming to see me for acupuncture treatments. There are three Kiwi patients who recently came to see […]
> View articleHer daughter called me, and said that she has had the severe pain on the right liver area for one week, she lived in hospital for three days, did ultrasound, CT , Gastroscopy, and blood test, urine test, nothing was found, doctor just painkillers and antibiotics, but still had severe pain, could not sleep very […]
> View article黄博士病例分析–尿痛 性交痛 She sent a message to me on our website www.drwin.co.nz, please see the Screenshot. She suffers from recurrent urinary tract infections and chronic bladder pain. She has awful burning sensations or urethral pain. It is particularly worse after any intimacy. SHE HAS had several investigations, seen different specialists, and taken different medications. She wants to […]
> View articleWhat is this pimple? Today, I had an examination for a patient, who has a pimple on her wrist. The patient doesn’t know what caused it. She’s been to several doctors and was left without an answer. She’s worried, I was also curious to find out. Firstly, I asked the patient to make a fist […]
> View articleHe had lower back pain for several months, and did many treatments, but no improvements . in fact his lower back pain duo to the long -short legs, the lower back pain disappear, after acupuncture and manipulation , sharing the case with friends. One leg longer than the other, How to tell, and what to do. […]
> View articleWhy acupuncture can help her bursitis? She had right shoulder pain for three months, the pain radiates to the right neck, she had injection in the right shoulder, but still dull pain and stiffness on the right shoulder, and limited movement of the right shoulder, more pain while moving the right shoulder. She fell much […]
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