Miss S***, 38 years old, Fiji, sore throat for two years. Fruit and food intolerance leading to severe sore throat and body aches. For the past 2 years She have had an irritated sensation in the throat and down the food pipe that’s present before and after meals and at resting stage. If She eat […]

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Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. They may include muscle twitching, weakness, or total loss of the ability to move one, and in rare cases, both sides of […]

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I ruptured a tendon in my shoulder Rotator cuff (full thickness tear) 7 months ago. I have been waiting for ACC to approve surgery, which they have subsequently declined. The long delay further limits the chance of the surgery being fully successful. I had been taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication for the pain. Most nights […]

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  He had a shoulder injury in Last November 2020 while he did  gardening. then have right shoulder pain , weakness on right arm, limited movement of right shoulder, specially, painful while sleeping, woke up many times one night, so he did ultrasound to  find  a full-thickness tear of the supranational tendon in  right shoulder. then […]

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Three visits to PhD Win, three treatments of acupuncture, and I have less pressure and pain, the horrible taste and smell of the prolonged infections due to a perforated ear drum and two perforated sinuses. Now gone. During March and April 2020, I needed three x (7 days) of antibiotics with little/no change to my symptoms. […]

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Auckland duck lake I did acupuncture and cupping for one pregnant kiwi lady recently,  she wanted labour induction fast, acupuncture & cupping worked wonders! She Went into labour that night and baby arrived on the 27th May (two days early).  She is very happy. acupuncture has been used in China to reduce pain in labor, to […]

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“Seeing PhD Win for upper stomach pain and reflux, have seen great improvements for these symptoms after only one session, looking forward to see how I feel after a few more sessions!”

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23-12-2020 MRI Mr. Yu is Chinese , 66 years old. Lower back and leg pain for four months. Four months ago, the patient sprained his waist while doing Tai Chi. At that time, he could not straighten his waist. The pain spread from the left waist to the thigh, and then to the big toe. Then […]

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1, Acupuncture NZ members must put a message onto the clinic website, electronic bookings diary, noticeboard or front door of the clinic that any patient who has been in recent contact with anyone who has tested positive to Covid-19 within the last 14 days or who has any signs or symptoms of a cold or […]

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PhD Win Acupuncture Clinic        12 May 2020 COVID-19 BOOKING CONDITIONS In order to look after the health and safety of others attending this clinic as well as your own, please read the following: Please do not attend the clinic if you can answer ‘Yes’ to ANY of the following screening questions: 1. […]

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