Please schedule an appointment by clicking the link below: online booking The patient has been experiencing chronic sinusitis for several years, with symptoms worsening over the past year. Symptoms include a full sensation in the head, headaches, nostril blockage, post-nasal drip, and frequent gurgling. Seeking relief, she opted to try acupuncture. Following just two sessions, […]
> View articleplease make an appointment, click below link online booking Left arm and hand pain and tingling | hand muscle lost | arm muscle lost | arm and hand weakness left arm and hand tingling for 1 and half year, can not sleep due to the pain, take more painkillers, still stopping the pain, did 4 […]
> View articleplease make an appointment with PhD Win, click below link online booking [E-BOOK] A little gift to the pain therapists (Acupuncturist, tuina therapist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, occupational therapist, and pain management) 对于一般的疼痛,像关节扭伤,肌肉拉伤等,治疗师都会应对自如,大都以痊愈告终。如果遇到一些几个月,甚至几年,而疼痛迁延不愈,一定是一个疑难疼痛了,除了已经知道的一些难治的全身性疾病,像类风湿,脊髓空洞症等,治疗师不能徒手解决,但一些神经卡压,像枕大神经痛,四边口腋神经卡压等,还有一些深处小肌肉的损伤,如肩胛下肌肉损伤,肱肌损伤等,如果诊断正确,治疗到位,也会很快解决,甚至是立竿见影。因此,对于治疗师来说,掌握了神经卡压和深处小肌肉损伤,将是如虎添翼,您的临床将会是不一样的景象。2024年,我要用大部分业余时间写完这部电子书,希望能给你带来临床治疗的一点启示,有所收获。也是我2024年送给疼痛治疗师的一份小礼物。 【Preface】 For general pain problems, such as sprained joints, muscles, etc., therapists can deal with it easily, and most cases will be cured. if […]
> View articleplease make an appointment with PhD Win, click below link online booking post paralytic facial syndrome and related knowledge needing know We know that there is the paralysis of the facial muscle, tearing, losing taste and heavy sound in the influence side after bell’s palsy. but some of the bell’s palsy patients have some post […]
> View articlePhD Win Huang’s clinical acupuncture treatment practice overview Since my verbal statement risks compromise of demonstrating practical acupuncture skills and the overview of my clinical treatment thought process in detail, so I will illustrate in writing. 1, Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and acupuncture treatment. Unity of western medicine diagnosis and TCM treatment are […]
> View articleHe have the foot problems for one year Can not stand on toes with single left foot. It is not stable while Standing with single left foot The left heel can’t lift off the floor when walking and can not run with a normal gait. Left calf little softer No tenderness in both calf sensation […]
> View article66 years old, he have uncontrolled movement in legs for years, so this affect his walking, so looking like unbalance or dance. the uncontrolled movement in the left leg is worser than right leg. the issue make him more stress and anxiety. What is Huntington’s disease? Huntington’s disease (HD) is an inherited disorder that […]
> View articleknee pain injury for months, pain when squat at 45 degree, and sharp pain at night, no more helpful after some treatments. sensitive in the medial right knee, pressing pain in the outlet of the saphenous nerve radiates to the medial knee joint. one session acupunctuture at 【baichongwo】called 【百虫窝】in chinese. she feels much better, […]
> View articleyoutube link Sinus tarsi syndrome with specific acupuncture | ankle sprained for 1.5 years | ankle pain swelling Ankle sprained 1.5 years ago , still pain,swelling and weakness, why? The injury doesn’t recovery completely, still there is inflammation inside, we called [ sinus tarsi syndrome]. We use special needle, specific way to help it. […]
> View article1,小红书 链接 | 黄博士病例分享|继发性癫痫|局限性癫痫|发作性上肢麻痛||奥克兰中医诊所 2,YouTube link Secondary epilepsy | localized epilepsy | arm pain numbness| 黄博士病例分享|继发性癫痫|局限性癫痫|发作性上肢麻痛||奥克兰中医诊所 After a major epileptic seizure, he was diagnosed with a stroke. Six months later, he developed paroxysmal pain and numbness in his upper limbs, 1-2 times a week, 2-3 minutes each time. Even after taking anti-epileptic drugs, he […]
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