patient has the digestion issues for two years, she did more treatments, and did more examinations such as ultrasound, coloscopy, endoscope, macroscope, gastroscopy, nothing to found, so no way to help, trying acupuncture. just two sessions, feeling much better. keeping acupuncture for another one more or two more.

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He has the pain and stiffness in the back of the right knee for half-year, he did many treatments with physio and acupuncture, but still had more pain and stiffness in the back of the right knee. we found the difference between two-foot (see photo), when both feet are the same, the pain and stiffness […]

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intercostal neuralgia for five years, his pain gone 95 per cent after acupuncture , first his pain is on the right back, then travels to the right up abdomen, comes and goes for five years. it is a real intercostal neuralgia due to the intercostal nerve inflammation. mini-knife acupuncture and moving cupping can help it. […]

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special acupuncture for sinusitis blocked nose, running nose, running mucus, bleeding nose, itchy eyes and nose, no smell

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the pain in the left up abdomen for 5 months

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In my opinion, you can go to see the doctors which are west medicine or Chinese medicine, if you suffer from body issues, but you need to change your mind if the results are not good, or the problem is still not improving after they do many sessions treatment. you do not go to the […]

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He had neck issues for a couple of years, neck pain, limited movement, can’t move neck to left and right sides, it is difficult to look up and down, and headache, bad sleep, terrible pain on the up back and shoulders, he feels very well after six sessions acupuncture and cupping.

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she has had rhinitis for two yrs, blocked nose, always feels something in the nose and running nose. she had her first acupuncture in last week, she feels much better, no blocked nose. it is her second treatment. He has had rhinitis for many yrs, blocked nose, sneezing and running nose. he did first antihistamine […]

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