In my opinion, you can go to see the doctors which are west medicine or Chinese medicine, if you suffer from body issues, but you need to change your mind if the results are not good, or the problem is still not improving after they do many sessions treatment. you do not go to the […]
> View articleHe had neck issues for a couple of years, neck pain, limited movement, can’t move neck to left and right sides, it is difficult to look up and down, and headache, bad sleep, terrible pain on the up back and shoulders, he feels very well after six sessions acupuncture and cupping.
> View articleshe has had rhinitis for two yrs, blocked nose, always feels something in the nose and running nose. she had her first acupuncture in last week, she feels much better, no blocked nose. it is her second treatment. He has had rhinitis for many yrs, blocked nose, sneezing and running nose. he did first antihistamine […]
> View articlewe did acupuncture and chinese medicine treatments for 16 patients on Sunday Case 1, He has the Achilles tendonitis for 4 months, he likes running, so he must stop running because of the pain. he has six sessions of acupuncture, feeling much better, now no pain, just tension on the left Achilles, but his left […]
> View articleThe day before yesterday she send a message, she wanted to make an appointment, and told me her problems. She has a stomach problem, who feels uncomfortable in stomach areas for 5 months. Tingling ,tightness, floating and pump gas from stomach to throat, the uncomfortable feeling radiates to the both flanks. She takes the medicine […]
> View articleWhen you have allergic rhinitis, the immune system incorrectly identifies some harmless irritants as a threat. As a result, you release a cocktail of substances that create inflammation in the nasal mucosa. Once the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, nerves within it also release inflammatory neuropeptides. These neuropeptides escalate the inflammation further resulting in itching, sneezing, […]
> View articleShe knew me from my website she is 27 years old, Samoan, she has suffered from the chronic eczema from her birth, she has used the steroid cream from birth, she has used it more and more, but the eczema become more and more severe, severe itching, more dry, sky swollen, bad sleep, and […]
> View articleOrakei Basin Walkway is a 3.1 kilometer moderately trafficked loop trail located near Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand that features a lake and is good for all skill levels. The trail is primarily used for walking, running, nature trips, and bird watching and is accessible year-round. Dogs are also able to use this trail but […]
> View articleShe wrote the email which required me whether I can help her severe pain in 19/10/2021. She had the first appointment in 24/10/2021. I did examinations. Her right leg is small, thin and shorter than the left. she has had this from birth and thinks it is polio. She had reconstructive surgery on her foot […]
> View articleOur acupuncturists wear Full PPE under Covid-19 Leve3 the patient sprained his the lower back while lifting heavy things, and the pain was not tolerated. He went to do treatments more than 20 times, and he got better, but still there was still severe pain on the right lower back. he could not sit on […]
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