He fell from a one-meter high wall 5 months ago, he had a neck injury and got paraplegic. He couldn’t move his body from the neck and under. He is recovering gradually and slowly after hospital treatments. He started by gaining the ability to move his fingers and toes and then being able to lift […]

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1,Long-term health impacts of COVID-19 Most SARS-CoV-2 is still a relatively new virus and we still have a lot to learn about the long-term health impacts of COVID-19. The long-term physiological and psychological effects of COVID-19 are not yet fully known. New evidence on long COVID continues to emerge from around the world. people with […]

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one case of the sciatic before and after

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I do acupuncture for one case of the carpal tunnel syndrome , he feel pain, tingling , numbness, weakness in fingers and wrist for several years. He fells better after one session special acupuncture,

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https://qualitybusinessawards.co.nz/2022/The-Best-Acupuncture-in-Auckland.html   WINNER FOR The Best Acupuncture in Auckland FEEDBACK  The Quality Business Awards recognize businesses that achieve an average quality score of 95% or greater over the previous 12 months. To learn more about our selection criteria, please click here. The winner for the category of The Best Acupuncture in Auckland can be seen below. […]

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he did 4 times surgery for his shoulder, it is a restructure operation. then he have a 18 months shoulder pain and limited movements of the right shoulder, he did many treatments, could not help him, his chinese friend want to him to see me, he did not trust it, finally he came to see […]

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https://youtu.be/VZwCQLgVmxo the acupuncture and treatment about john hip pain https://youtu.be/6OqYjCEdH8U  he come to see me after first acupuncture session He felt bad pain in the left hip suddenly 18 months ago, he went to see a doctor, then he was recommended to see a specialist who gave him CT and MRI, it was not clear […]

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Ph.D. Win is doing examination and treatments for a new patient she has a tingling and numbness for 17 years, she did nerve tests and saw specialists, they wanted her to do surgery for her carpal tunnel syndrome, but she doesn’t want to do the operation, then she chooses to do acupuncture. first, we need […]

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SI joint dislocation and lower back pain 20220511Auckland chinese medicine bone setting he has a bad lower back pain, can not forward bent and move to left side. we check, and know the both legs are not even, we think of the SI joint dislocation, we do the chinese medicine bone setting, he can bent […]

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