To my valued patients, in light of the spread of Coronavirus in New Zealand, there are some important questions to ask yourself if you are coming to see me: 1) during the last two weeks have you been overseas? 2) have you had close contact with someone who have or might have the corona-virus? 3) […]

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I came to see PhD Win recently due to ongoing skin issues related to stress. I couldn’t sleep well , always itchy and generally felt miserable. I had felt this way for months. I had seen PhD Win many years ago and he fixed my very sore back so I thought I’d see if he could help […]

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One case was treated today, which a patient with unilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation, male and Chinese. The left temporomandibular joint was misaligned for two hours with the mouth crooked to the right. The mouth is half open and cannot be closed. Pain at the left temporomandibular joint. The front of the left tragus is empty. […]

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he has red rashes on body for 4 months, itching and swelling. He went to see doctor who gave him anti allergy pills, no helping, so want to try chinese herbs.

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she has punching needle pain on the left third and fourth toes for one year and half. severe pain when she walk for 5 and 10 minutes, so stopping walk, then have a rest, the pain on toes will disappear. she went to see many doctors and did many treatment, no change about the pain, […]

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one needle, one point, ten minutes later, pain is gone, no limited movement, it is amazing. please watching the video

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  Often ankle injury 3-5 times every year in five years. Pain and swelling on both ankles after playing basketball. Treated by special needle and special Chinese acupuncture. Feeling much better after one session treatment. Thanks

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  I’ve had an extremely tight jaw that I grind heavily at night with a nightguard since I was about 10 years old. PhD. Win did acupuncture on the back of my neck, head, and jaw, over the course of 4 appointments ( I would have gone to many more, but it was time for […]

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Scalp needles in the girl and her cousin head European Girl, 10 years old, wetting bed every night, so she does not want to go to overnight or camp. she had three sessions scalp acupuncture in July 2019 in school holiday, then just bedwetting 2–3 times a week. She have another two sessions in this […]

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I visited PhD Win for help with discomfort and tingling I was experiencing in my legs, due to poor blood circulation.I am 84 years old and have been dealing with high blood pressure for a number of years. PhD Win has a very nice and clean clinic, I found him always to be on time, […]

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