What conditions may benefit from Acupuncture? Good for Pain relief acute or chronic . Fibromyalgia . Headaches . Arthritis and Stiff joints . Sports Injuries . Sprains and strains of the muscles and joints . Sciatica . Back and neck pain . Carpal tunnel syndrome . Bell’s palsy . Trigeminal neuralgia . Shingles . Improving […]
> View articleacupuncture for lower back pain , painful while moving back, can not sleeping due to lower back pain. feeling very well after acupuncture. If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518 or visit us 1054 New North Road, Mt Albert. If you require more information you may e-mail us […]
> View articleInfectious mononucleosis (IM; also known as glandular fever, and sometimes colloquially as the kissing disease from its oral transmission) is an infectious, widespread viral disease caused by the Esptein-Barr Virus(EBV). Occasionally, the symptoms can recur at a later period. Most people are exposed to the virus as children, when the disease produces no noticeable or […]
> View articlesome uncommon synptoms about cervical spondylosis by dr win huang once we talk about cervivsl spondylosis,a few typical symptoms such as numbness on upper limbs,soreness on the nape and stiff neck will flash into our mind, or the other way around. But clinically, I did find out that some symptoms which appeared not relevant to […]
> View articleDizziness URL of this page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003093.htm Dizziness is light-headedness, feeling like you might faint, being unsteady, loss of balance, or vertigo (a feeling that you or the room is spinning or moving). Most causes of dizziness are not serious and either quickly get better on their own or are easily treated. Causes Light-headedness happens when […]
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