peripheral neuritis
Peripheral Neuritis
Peripheral neuritis is a condition of inflammation of peripheral nerve. It could be the complication of other diseases or just a symptom which is potentially underlying other diseases. The causes which may have a chance leading to this problem are diabetes, shingles, vitamin deficiency especially B12, alcohol etc.. for example, diabetic people suffer from lacking nutrition due to unsmooth flow of blood, less nutrition delivering to body extremities will cause poor nourishment on nerve and other structures. It turns out three pathological changes happening to our body, namely neuro- function, motor-function and damage of autonomic nerve systems.
Neuro-dysfunction includes abnormal sensation on four extremities feeling like wearing socks or gloves, degeneration of sensitivity of touch, numbness or pinching feeling on four limbs.
Motor dysfunction could cause weakness of muscles or paralysis of extremities, weak muscle tone and muscle reflexes while performing movements, dropping of four limbs if it is late stage, tender when pressing cuff muscle, balance problems.
Dysfunction of autonomic nerve system will cause nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and so on this kind of digestive problems. Headache, pale face, dizziness, cold or sweaty four limbs,chest oppression or palpitation dominated by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves.
Clinically I have met lots of patients who have this problem, to sum up , each patient has different main complains, so it is quite necessary to have a specific treatment plan for each of them. If you are in one of them, why do not give us a call at 09-8150518 or visit us on 1054 new north road, mount albert, Auckland ? ( dr win acupuncture, www.drwin.co.nz)
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