Today, (25, 07, 2018) I received a case of headache and dizziness, European, 50 years old. Headache and dizziness for more than TWO months, headache is dull and painful, wrapped around the head with a towle, sometimes dizziness and nausea, vomiting when nausea is serious, vomiting for once a week or two; feel bitter and […]

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Share a case of [rare strange disease] with friends By Dr Win Acupuncture Clinic I received one call from a lady, who asked me if I could treat her strange disease,got the positive answer that could be tried, made an appointment and come to see me. Patient,European,35 years old,suffering from paroxysmal dizziness,nausea for 26 years. […]

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Peripheral Neuritis Peripheral neuritis is a condition of inflammation of peripheral nerve. It could be the complication of other diseases or just a symptom which is potentially underlying other diseases.  The causes which may have a chance leading to this problem are diabetes, shingles, vitamin deficiency especially B12, alcohol etc..  for example, diabetic people suffer […]

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Acupuncture: Pins and needles for good health By Donna McIntyre Medicine is something we usually turn to only when we are ill. But increasing numbers of New Zealanders are using acupuncture to maintain good health – sometimes in conjunction with traditional western medicines, sometimes as an alternative. It’s nothing new, of course. The text believed […]

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