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Please make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking She is a 32-year-old European woman who has experienced severe pain in her left lower back and leg for two years. She strained her left hamstring while training for yoga and heard a popping noise in the hamstring. She has been taking painkillers and […]

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  she have a bad face pain for 2 weeks, worse while eating, speaking and washing, the severe pain is 10/10, doctor said it is trigeminal neuralgia, she came to see me and acupuncture. I did examination, found that her right face is sensitive, so it is the second neuralgia, maybe is is a inflammation. […]

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Please schedule an appointment by clicking the link below: online book He has had lower back pain for 7 months, he had an MRI which shows the root of the nerve L5L4 is damaged by the disc. He did 4 sessions of steroid injection and one waiting injection, but he still more sharper pain in […]

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Please schedule an appointment by clicking the link below: online book     He is a patient who I met today, it is a very interesting medical case. He comes to see me for his frozen shoulder, his shoulder pain started from end of January, he could not move his left shoulder due to a […]

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Please schedule an appointment by clicking the link below: online book   A shoulder injury, X-ray and Ultrasound showed tear in shoulder tendon, still sharp pain in the shoulder, arm and back, no sleep due to the pain, what do you think this situation? Please let us know your opinion! I will put another video, […]

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summary of all the neurological clinical cases treated in my clinic for the past 3 months I treated total 122 neurological clinical cases, and total 599 sessions, average 4.909 sessions for patents with the Chinese medical methods which included in acupuncture, herbs and Tuina. There are 17 kinds of TCM pattern and 12 kinds of […]

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Going to toilet for 6/7 times, most at night, watery, blood test report there is inflammation in the large intestine, lost weight 5kg, his sister has same problems. do you think what kind of problem it is? And is it effect with acupuncture? I will let you know the results after several acupunctures. Thanks 一位印度小伙,空军飞行员,一天大便6/7次,还水样便,那怎么开飞机啊。我用头针给他治疗中。有中文字幕 […]

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Youtube link one case of ankle tunnel syndrome with acupuncture Medical Disclaimer The medical information on any/all of our content is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used […]

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 YouTube链接 acupuncture and cupping help the one case of abdominal pain for 10 针灸拔罐治疗一例腹痛十年 acupuncture and cupping help the one case of burning abdominal pain for 10 years burning pain in the area around belly button in the abdomen check every thing are normal still more pain after medicine there is a sensitive area where […]

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1,小红书链接 one case right abdominal pain for half year with acupuncture右上腹疼痛半年东欧女性病例 2, YouTube链接 one case right abdominal pain for half year with acupuncture右上腹疼痛半年东欧女性病例 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 【曾经治疗的顽固腹部疼痛病例】 1,intercostal neuralgia for five years, his pain gone 95 per cent after acupuncture first his pain is on the right back, then travels to the right up abdomen, comes and […]

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