Category: Uncategorized

He had lower back pain for several months, and did many treatments, but no improvements . in fact his lower back pain duo to the long -short legs,  the lower back pain disappear, after acupuncture and manipulation , sharing the case with friends. One leg longer than the other, How to tell, and what to do. […]

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Why acupuncture can help her bursitis? She had right shoulder pain for three months, the pain radiates to the right neck, she had injection in the right shoulder, but still dull pain and stiffness on the right shoulder, and limited movement of the right shoulder, more pain while moving the right shoulder. She fell much […]

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By PhD Win Huang Today (05/01/2021), there are three cases of low back and leg pain in our clinic, The reason of the lower back pain is basically the same, the treatment method is the same, and the effect is the same. Sharing them with the friends. it is normal position of the foot when […]

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    As an osteopath, I believe that the mind, body, and spirit are one integrated whole.  A person’s overall wellness or disease is a function of how well these parts are working together.  By treating a person as a whole (holistically), I can help release barriers and restore balance, allowing people to find their […]

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acupuncture for one difficult headache

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I have had back pain for five months, before I went to do acupuncture at another place, but it seems does not work effectively, then I came to Dr Win to seek help. And it is magic, only after one treatment, I can easily do bending and touch my hands on the ground and move […]

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Hi, I really recommend going to Dr. Win, he helped to ease my pain. I have a nerve issue called Small fiber neuropathy which is severe stabbing pain in the whole body and deep muscle pain. Sometimes I cant walk more than 20 minutes because of it. I was struggling with medication as it gave […]

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We can know what kind of problem from feet’posture, while let legs relaxing. Photo 1, the patient had hip pain. When he lie down on his back , his right feet drop down to right side. Photo 2. The patient had knee pain. When she lie down on her stomach, her right feet drop down […]

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I’ve had an ongoing C-6/C-7 compression spinal injury for over 7 years. I’ve had MRI’s, X-Rays and visited specialist, physios and doctors to no avail with a long term solution. Yet 3 sessions with Dr Win has alleviated more pain and returned more flexibility in my neck than all my previous work with the specialist. […]

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I came to PhD Win seeking help for a clicking jaw that I’ve had for more than 15 years. I have tried so many other treatments and had pretty much lost hope. PhD Win said acupuncture can help ease it, but it won’t completely remove it. He was very pragmatic about the results. Surprisingly, after […]

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