She has been experiencing right lower back, groin, and hip pain for 5-6 years, with the pain recurring every 4-6 months. Over the past 2 years, the pain has become more frequent, especially after the birth of her second child. She has Typical Symptoms and signs of a Psoas Injury. Why didn’t the […]
> View articleHe has been experiencing severe right knee pain for the past two months. The pain is localized in the medial aspect of the right knee, characterized by sharp and intense discomfort when transitioning from sitting to standing. Interestingly, walking provides some relief. The pain is particularly troublesome at night, worsening when lying on the side. […]
> View articleThe patient is a 50-year-old male from South Africa. He presents with sharp knee pain for one day. He twisted his knee after falling off the bed, and since then, he has been unable to walk normally or straighten his leg. He also reports poor sleep due to the sharp pain. Why do I suspect […]
> View articleTwo years ago, the patient injured his right shoulder while working out. He underwent physiotherapy, chiropractic adjustments, and saw specialists, but none of these treatments led to improvement. Despite taking medication and undergoing rehabilitation exercises, the discomfort persisted. The patient reported a general sense of “something wrong” with the shoulder, with more severe discomfort in […]
> View article5 painful points, two points are in the left neck, one is in the front of the left shoulder, one is in the lateral side of the right lower leg, and one is in the lateral side of the left lower leg. More painkillers every day, injection in the 5 points once every 3-4 weeks […]
> View articleThe patient is a 28-year-old Caucasian male who works in a physically demanding job. Anus pain for 8 months He come to see me for his anus pain, and told me he has a fissure in the anus. The pain is whole anus, but left side is worse. fissure is around 1 cm at the […]
> View articlePatient, female, 55 years old, European. She comes to see me and wants to let me help her digestive problem with Chinese Medicine. She told me that it may be a pancreas problem. pressure pain in the left upper abdomen for 20 years, the pain 5/10 In the early stage, the left upper abdomen pain […]
> View articlePlease make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking She is a 32-year-old European woman who has experienced severe pain in her left lower back and leg for two years. She strained her left hamstring while training for yoga and heard a popping noise in the hamstring. She has been taking painkillers and […]
> View articlePlease make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking He has been experiencing more pain on the ulnar side of his left wrist when pushing his hand back for two months. I checked his left wrist and found no tenderness or limited movement; reflexes are normal; sensitivity on the ulnar side of the […]
> View articlePlease make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking He sent us an email one week ago, and told us his medical history. He wanted to make an appointment. “Hi there, My name is M and I am contacting you to request an appointment as my stepfather has highly recommended your services. I […]
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