【黄博士中医诊所的患者来自世界各地】Our customer from different Countries and Cities for their Shoulders pain, Bill’s palsy, insomnia
黄博士中医诊所的患者来自世界各地,包括太平洋岛国大溪地、邻国澳大利亚,以及新西兰各大城市,如基督城、惠灵顿、汉密尔顿、激流岛、Hawke’s Bay 和北地等。
PhD Win Huang’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic treats patients from all over the world, including Tahiti in the Pacific Islands, neighboring Australia, and various cities across New Zealand such as Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, Waiheke Island, Hawke’s Bay, and Northland.
From the clinic’s perspective, attracting patients from different regions, providing high-quality services, and delivering the best treatments are the keys to patient satisfaction. A good reputation spreads by word of mouth, which is the most effective form of advertisement.
As a patient, the priority should be effective treatment rather than convenience. Driving a bit farther or even taking a flight for better medical care can be well worth it.
Through this video, we hope to help both fellow practitioners and patients understand that distance should not be a barrier to seeking the best treatment.
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