I would like to say how wonderful Dr Win has been for me .for the last 40 yrs l have suffered from very bad depression .back pain .had bad pains in my leg from having my toe fused an them breaking bones in my foot I am amazed at how quick an successful he has healed me .in only 6 visits l feel like a new woman .I would highly recommend Dr Win to anyone having problems ..its like a miracle ..thank you so much .l can now enjoy my life
近期治疗一位60多岁的欧裔老太太,她从头到脚都是病,头痛失眠,脚痛腿痛。从她医生的病史记录就能看到,她长期口服的药(long term medications)就几十种,她主诉的问题(problem list)罗列了一页,她过去病史(medical and surgical 说不胜数,遇到这样一位病人,病人痛苦,医生头痛。我利用我的各种看病艺术,以针灸为载体,医治患者的心身病痛。像患者自己说的,40年的抑郁好了,腰腿痛没了,换成了一个新的女人。下医治病,上医治心。一点体会,与朋友分享!
Tags: accupuncture centre center, acupuncture therapy, acupuncturist in auckland, auckland acupuncture clinic, auckland chinese medicine clinic, back pain, bad depression, bad pains in my leg, depression, licensed acupuncturist, lower back pain抑郁症,焦虑症,腰腿疼,失眠头痛, 中医专家, 名中医, 奥克兰专业中医诊所, 奥克兰中医诊所, 好中医, 针灸诊所
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