Category: about acupuncture

He had left arm pain for three months and left back pain for two months. He came to see me for his tennis elbow and mentioned that he had undergone multiple treatments, including physiotherapy, which were based on the diagnosis of tennis elbow. Upon examination, I found slight tenderness in his elbow, which sounded and […]

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The condition has persisted for about 10 years, occurring 1-2 times a week, each episode lasting approximately 5-10 minutes. What possible conditions come to your mind? Please share your opinion. Thank you. I will provide my opinion and details about her case later. (04/02/2025) The patient came in for treatment today. She feels much better, […]

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黄博士中医诊所的患者来自世界各地,包括太平洋岛国大溪地、邻国澳大利亚,以及新西兰各大城市,如基督城、惠灵顿、汉密尔顿、激流岛、Hawke’s Bay 和北地等。 从诊所的角度来看,吸引不同地区的患者,提供优质服务,实施最佳治疗方案,让患者满意,才能建立良好口碑。而口碑传播,往往是最有效的宣传方式。 作为患者,最重要的是找到真正有效的治疗,而不是只图便利。即便是多开几十分钟的车,甚至搭乘飞机来看病,如果能获得更好的疗效,都是值得的。 希望通过这个视频,让同行和患者朋友们了解到,看病不应受距离的限制,关键是选择最合适的治疗。 感谢您的支持! PhD Win Huang’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic treats patients from all over the world, including Tahiti in the Pacific Islands, neighboring Australia, and various cities across New Zealand such as Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton, Waiheke Island, Hawke’s Bay, and Northland. From the clinic’s perspective, attracting patients from different regions, […]

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If the patient’s sciatica is related to deep hip muscles, such as the piriformis, during the early stages, distal points along the affected channel can be used for acupuncture. The patient had been experiencing right leg pain for two weeks, so I selected the Tianzhu point. After needling, I guided the patient through hip and […]

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Sharp pain behind the eye. It is not the migraine. 1, the pain was constant for 4 months, no stopping. 2, sensitive in the back of the right head. 3, more tenderness in the right neck. 4, strong painkillers could not stop the pain. It is occipital neuralgia. 1. The pain in the back of […]

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5 painful points, two points are in the left neck, one is in the front of the left shoulder, one is in the lateral side of the right lower leg, and one is in the lateral side of the left lower leg. More painkillers every day, injection in the 5 points once every 3-4 weeks […]

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Please make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking He has been experiencing more pain on the ulnar side of his left wrist when pushing his hand back for two months. I checked his left wrist and found no tenderness or limited movement; reflexes are normal; sensitivity on the ulnar side of the […]

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Please make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking He sent us an email one week ago, and told us his medical history. He wanted to make an appointment. “Hi there, My name is M and I am contacting you to request an appointment as my stepfather has highly recommended your services. I […]

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Please make an appointment, by clicking the below link online booking Last week, the clinic’s receptionist received a call asking if traditional Chinese medicine could treat [anal fissures]. I took over the call and inquired about the patient’s age, weight, and occupation. I said [he could come for a consultation]. I truly believed he had […]

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Please make an appointment, click below link online booking She has had an unhealthy body and mind for 25 years, and she is very busy seeing doctors, including both Western and Chinese medicine practitioners. She is a fan of Chinese medicine and takes herbs in Australia, but she still doesn’t feel right in her body. […]

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