one case of the ulnar nerve entrapment for 1 year 尺神经卡压一例
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one case of the ulnar nerve entrapment for 1 year 尺神经卡压一例
tight and numb in the little finger小手指麻木
worse while tired and more working累和工作加重
numbness in the little finger and half fourth finger小手指和第四指一般感觉迟钝
Tinel sign positive Tinel证阳性
so acupuncture for it针灸治疗
【PhD Win thinks about the case】
1, numbness in the little finger, the Clinician easily thinks of the cervical problem, so they will focus on the neck in check and treatments.
2, because of the character of the area of sensation of the ulnar nerve, it is easy to diagnose the ulnar nerve entrapment. it is sensitive or dull in the little finger and half of the fourth finger.he can not feel weakness in his hand.
3, there are two parts to block the ulnar nerve easily, one is in the wrist called Ulnar tunnel syndrome, and another one is in the elbow called elbow tunnel syndrome. it is in the elbow in this medical case.
4, the tinel sign is positive.
5, the patient is a chef who works hard and long hour, so the job makes his right arm tired and tight, so the tight muscle and tendon in the elbow stimulate the ulnar nerve. so he will feel much better after relaxing the muscle and tendon in the elbow
6, more pressing pain in the elbow is a sign of the ulnar nerve entrapment.
7, looking for tenderness points, relaxing the blocking muscle and tendon with a big special needle.
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