How can I get an ACC claim and to do the treatment ?
ACC Claim Onward referral:
Herbal Specialist *
How can I get an ACC claim and to do the treatment ?
If you had an accident or injury and you have been to see your GP already, you are an ACC claim client, you have an ACC45 number or an ACC approved number at hand. So you can come directly for the treatment. And I will do it for you only ten dollars surcharge fee.
If you had an accident like sprain muscle, joints or sports injuries, or disc prolapsed, and you haven’t seen a doctor, then you need to see your GP first to get a referral letter with an ACC claim number on it. Then you can come to do the treatment.
Why Acupuncture? What you do to soft tissue injuries?
Acupuncture is very effective to reduce pain, inflammation and improve mobility of joints and shorten the recovery time. And the effect is immediately happening.
I do a lot of things while treating problems according to different situation. For example to treat ankle sprain, if just a mild one we do directly. If it is a severe case , very swollen and can’t walk, firstly we suggest apply ice and bandage on, normally after 12 hours of the accident, we start from applying pain relief herbal oil and very gentle traditional Chinese Tuina massage, a few minutes later, the swollen will go a lot and much less pain, we may apply acupuncture or cupping therapy. To children who are scared needles, I do massage only or sometime add cupping therapy. To the mild case only need a few sessions of treatment. Most of the cases could be cured within one month.
Most common problem in NZ is lumbar spine sprain. I treat hundreds of them annually and nearly everyone been cured. Normally with 4-5 treatments most of the clients felt much better and could back to work. Most of the clients do not need to stop their work. They just do the normal work and do the treatment 2-3 times a week. When they recover the effect lasts long time if they look after themselves properly and do exercise regularly.
ACC claim range:
Post-Concussion Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cervical Disc Prolapse Radiculopathy
Thoracic Disc Prolapse Radiculopathy
Lumbar Disc Prolapse Radiculopathy
Chronic/Recurrent Pain (cervical)
Low Back Pain, Acute Pain – Lumbar,
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Medial Epicondylitis (elbow)
Lateral Epicondylitis (elbow)
Prepatellar Bursitis
Tendonitis Achilles
Tendonitis Upper Limb
Flexor Tendon Rupture Hand /Wrist
Fracture Rib (closed)
Fracture Clavicle (closed non-displaced)
Fracture Humerus (closed proxim
Fracture Distal Humerus, Suprac
Fracture of Proximal Radius/Ulna
Fracture of Shaft of Radius/Ulna
Fracture of Distal Radius/Ulna
Fracture Scaphoid (closed)
Fracture Carpal Bone
Fracture of Metacarpal Bone
Fracture Phalanx – Hand
Fracture Tibia/Fibula
Fracture Ankle
Fracture Tarsal Bones/Metatarsa
Fracture Phalanges (Foot, closed
Dislocation/Subluxation Should
Dislocation/Subluxation of Finge
Acute Meniscal Tear (medial)
Acute Meniscal Tear (lateral)
Sprain Upper Arm/Shoulder
Sprain Acromio-Clavicular Ligam
Sprain Infraspinatus Tendon
Sprain Rotator Cuff
Sprain Shoulder Joint
Sprain Elbow/Forearm
Sprain Wrist/Hand
Sprain Radial Collateral Ligamen
Sprain Thumb
Sprain Finger/Interphalangeal Jo
Sprain Tendon Wrist or Hand
Sprain Hip/Thigh
Sprain Hip/Thigh
Sprain Quadriceps Tendon
Sprain Lateral Collateral Ligament Knee
Sprain Medial Collateral Ligament Knee
Sprain Cruciate Ligament Knee
Sprain Gastrocnemius
Sprain Ankle
Sprain Achilles Tendon
Sprain Metatarsophalangeal Joint/
Interphalangeal Joint
Sprain Sacroiliac Joints
Sprain Cervical Spine
Sprain Thoracic Spine
Sprain Lumbar Spine
Sprain Coccyx
Rupture of Supraspinatus
Rupture of Biceps Tendon
Rib Sprain
Open Wound Trunk/head/neck
Open Wound Ear
Open Wound Scalp/Forehead
Open Wound Nose/Cheek/Eyebrow/Lip/Jaw/Mouth
Open Wound Buttock/External Genitalia
Open Wound Shoulder/Upper Limb
Amputation at Shoulder/Hand/at Elbow/
Foot/Upper Leg/Lower Leg
Open Wound Elbow/Forearm
Open Wound Wrist
Open Wound Hand/Fingers/Thumb
Open Wound Fingernail/Avulsion of Nail
Amputation Finger
Open Wound Knee/Leg
Open Wound Foot/Toe(s)
Abrasion Face
Abrasion Trunk
Abrasion Upper Arm (no infection)
Abrasion Lower Arm (no infection)
Abrasion Leg/Knee
Contusion Head/Neck
Contusion Trunk
Contusion Breast
Contusion Chest Wall
Contusion Back
Contusion Genital Organs
Contusion Upper Limb
Contusion Upper Arm/Shoulder
Contusion Elbow/Forearm
Contusion Wrist/Hand
Contusion Finger/Thumb/Fingenail (haematoma)
Contusion Hip and Thigh
Contusion Knee and Lower Leg
Contusion Ankle and Foot
Contusion Toe
Contusion Lower Limb (multiple sites)
Crush Injury Back
Crush Injury Upper Arm
Crush Injury Wrist or Hand
Crush Injury Finger (open/closed)/Thumb (closed)
Crush Injury Foot (closed)
Burns Head/Neck
Burns Trunk
Burns Arm (excluding Hand)
Burns Hand(s)/Wrist
Burns Lower Limb
Toxic Reaction Bee Sting
Bite (dog)
Paul Gumbley,Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy is now available at Dr Win’s clinic at no cost on ACC. Physiotherapy involves treatment by physical means using massage, manipulation of joints and exercises.
Paul Gumbley, MPNZ, Dip MT, is available Monday and Thursday mornings to register ACC claims and for treatment of injuries.
If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518, or if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com
1054 New North Rd Mt Albert Auckland
Tips for Finding an Acupuncturist
When seeking out a professional acupuncturist, it is important to ensure that the acupuncturist is licensed and certified. Sterilising procedures should be used and more often than not, your acupuncturist will likely use disposable needles. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of needles, an acupuncturist may provide alternatives such as herbal methods, magnetic needles and ear cups. These are thought to provide similar results although are not considered as effective as acupuncture that utilises needles.
Whatever path you take to treating your pain, you can be relieved to know that you have many options, particularly alternative ones such as acupuncture. Hopefully, you will find a qualified acupuncturist who can listen to your concerns about pain and begin a treatment plan that provides effective relief.
If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518 or visit us 1054 new north road ,mt albert. if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com
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