Frequent Urination
Frequent Urination
As some of you may know, frequent urination may be caused by urination tract infection(UTI), pyelonephritis which is due to inflammation of pelvis area in kidney anatomically, kidney stone or enlarged prostate gland etc. Western medicine treats those diseases by antibiotics most of the times, but for some cases, it does not work as it always does. By going through urine test, ultrasound of bladder and prostate gland, patients get nothing wrong with their urinary system at all. At this point, we should consider nervous system disorder,especially to those senoir patients.
Degeneration of urination function in cortex is the main reason to lead to frequent urination to senoir patients . Peripheral nerve distributing around the urinary bladder wall sends signal to cortex where it will get response to decide weather or not going. People who go to toilet more than three times at night for urination, a phenomenon we call nocturia, should consider ladtest of urinary system. Expecially those over 70-year-old. Chinese medicine herb treatment and acupuncture work very well about this problem.
Brain dysfunction, particularly multiply lesions such as multiple cerebral infarction, disseminated sclerosis, cerebral atrophy are also blamed to cause frequent urination. Apart from these, abnormality of iliacsacral point is a common issue to result in frequenc urination. This include protruding of intervertebral disc, nerve root inflammation in sacral region, dislocation of iliacsacral joint and so on. Because all those above may irritate the peripheral nerve surrounded to urinary bladder that triggers nerve sending signal to cerebral cortex sonstantly which leads to frequent urination.
As I mentioned above, chinese medicine has well-proved result on this problem, and if you want know more info, please see www.drwin.co.nz , If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518, or if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com
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我曾治疗的多例尿频尿急尿痛病例及体会 | Auckland Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine – Phd Win Clinic
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