More coming from my practical diagnosis course
More coming from my practical diagnosis course,this week we had some talk on diarrhea,which is main disorder of stomach and spleen. In Chinese medicine theory,stomach and spleen are the two dominant organs that takes over the digestion function,in which we believe nearly all the abnormal digestive phenomenon we should exam.
Nowadays,as the creature comfort pursue is popularizing in people thinking,they exploit everything away from nature and do things in a reinless way,individually one may easily get ill from their bad hobbit, things come because of a reason,even though it does not show the truth immediately. It is the reality for the things happened in our body as well. Lots of people suffer from the stomach problems,like acute gastritis,gastric ulcer,duodenal ulcer which are all related with stomach. Not only of the improper diet, but environment heredity ,bacterial ,smoking or drugs all can cause digestive disorders. Those are all western medicine disease concepts for stomach issues. In Chinese medicine,it is due to spleen and stomach dysfunction.
Some common conditions that results in diarrhea are caused by insufficiency of spleen qi , liver qi stagnation attacking spleen,stomach heat or dampness in large intestine.
During or days before the menstruation,lot of women encounter diarrhea at the same time, this is not just a coincidence. According to Chinese medicine, when the period is coming,liver qi does not flow so well that will lead to some distending feeling or pain felling in the hypochondria region, as liver is a strong organ that can easily trigger some consecutive disorder by attacking, such as liver qi stagnation attacking spleen,causing the failure of spleen function in transforming food staff, in the end, diarrhea happens.
If you prefer hot and spice food,you gotta be very careful with your tummy, i know it is always delicious,but you have to know some precautions for that, those food may generate hot which is considered not good to human body,just like what the nature does,hotness consumes water into steam, our body does the same thing,stomach heat causes the damage of spleen-yin fluid,as spleen fails to transport the body fluid going upwards, the frequency of urination may occur.
If diarrhea takes place very frequently,say more that 6 times a day,it is very watery stool,not so smelly or pain feeling in abdominal area.this is because the dampness in large intestine, the features of dampness are sticky, heavy,going downwards. So it is hard to get it off completely, that is why it is not easy to fix. The treatment method should be dredging the urination in order to carry out the solid defecation.
For more info,i will keep updating… visit us on 1054 new north road mt albert auckland or phone09-8150518
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