11-04-2011 new cases of dizziness-headache
case 1 headache
it is monday today,a headache case who was recommended to me by his friend ,has a right side headache for 3 months.he is 30 years old, doing computer for many years. this changes on daily basis,sometime very strong, sometime very weak.strong headache usually happen on his right side,the headache feel like nerve servering or needle puncturing through the skin, this happen several times every day, and last a half to 4 hours, strong headache will happen once a day, he feels nause and vomiting when he has a strong headache,and he will feel confortable when strong headache happen,if he close his eyes . it happen at daytome, no headache at night. he had had headache for 3 months in 2005, and had had headache for 4 months in 2009. this headache is the same as the headache had in 2005 and 2009.
exam: pressing pain on right fengchi point, it is hyperesthesia on ritht back of head.
impression: chinese medicine headache (wind cold)
western medicine migraine
chinese medicine treatment: herbs medicine
case 2 dizziness
mr shen 72 yrs old, he has dizziness for 10 months. feels heavy on top of head, little headache ,no balance on walking 平衡 during dizziness,such as beening drunk. no nausea, no vomiting.diet,sleepping ,urine and bowel is normal.
dizziness 3-4 hours every day,no dizziness at night.
herbs medicine
we will see the herb medicine effect on their next visit
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