【PhD Huang‘s medical case 】She would like to resume a normal healthy life again hence our help would be much appreciated
Miss S***, 38 years old, Fiji, sore throat for two years.
Fruit and food intolerance leading to severe sore throat and body aches.
For the past 2 years She have had an irritated sensation in the throat and down the food pipe that’s present before and after meals and at resting stage.
If She eat certain food that irritates my gut, She experience viral like symptoms that result in severe sore throats ,fever, chills, severe body aches, and extreme tiredness and the symptoms are present for 2 weeks at the least.
These foods include any fruits or spices . She can’t eat beetroot either. The reaction happens in a few hours after eating the food.
She had a tonsillectomy three years ago due to similar symptoms. She was on losec (omeprazole) and gaviscon to help with the symptoms but she do not wish to be on these long term and they only relieve the symptoms for a short term.
She has a history of low iron. She has been tested for food allergies by specialists and the results have come back negative. She get occasional pains in both my arms for the last 4-5 years (from elbow to the wrist).

Email to us
In the last 3 months – these symptoms have worsened even on the smallest bite of a fruit and the symptoms have stayed on for a month this time which is when She came to see us. She felt a lot better after the initial treatment and the herbal medicine that we gave to her . Body aches are a lot less and the sore throat is almost gone. She would like to resume a normal healthy life again hence our help would be much appreciated.

Her email
we will keep the treatments for her, we will share her results with friends. Thanks
Tags: aches on body, Acupuncture, Auckland, Herbs, severe sore throat, sore food pipe
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