【a rare medical case】 He has suffered from LGI1 encephalitis for one month, tingling in leg, emotional, poor memory and foggy brain
His daughter sent email to me, and ask us to help her Father.
21/10/2022, 65 years old, male, one month ago he found his memory is low, and tingling of his left leg, he worried about a stroke or a heart attack, so he went to the North Shore hospital, stayed one day, then was discharge as his investigations were normal including his CT head.
24/10/2022 He has represented back to hospital due to persistent symptoms of tingling in his left leg, these episodes start with tingling in his ankle to his hip, these episodes occur for 15 seconds at a time and occur 10-15 times per day, when these episodes occur he gets quite tearful and emotional. does not get emotional when the tingling does not occur.
These episodes have not changed in frequency or intensity since discharge but he is quite concerned that they have not gone away. he is not normally the type to get emotional.
Became intermittently tearful during the hospital.
25/10/2022MRI brain , appearances are concerning for acute encephalitis
CSF- LGI 1 lgG detected
26/10/2022Baseline ACE III ,Attention 18/18, memory 24/26, fluency 9/14, language 26/26,visuospatial 15/16. Total score 92/100
Hospital diagnosis, LGI 1 encephalitis
Hospital Treatment, the high does steroids
10/11/2022 He feels very well after treatments in the hospital, no tingling in the left leg, no emotional lability, but still feeling lost memory, and unclear brain, he is worry about the side effect of high does steroids, so he want to try acupuncture to help his memory. his daughter sent a email to want to make appointments.
14/11 2022 Started regular acupuncture 2 sessions a week.
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