昨天治疗了一例臂丛神经上干损伤的患者。她患左上肢抬举无力,只有上臂,手的活动正常,左肩疼痛而无法睡眠。她做了颈椎CT、MRI,说是颈椎五间盘突出。我一看就知道她是臂丛神经上干损伤,炎症的可能性大。我google,把臂丛神经损伤的表现给她看,她说我。按臂丛神经炎给予针灸治疗,一次后就能躺下活动上肢,第二次后,坐位也能有力上举。与朋友分享一下臂丛神经损伤的知识,谢谢 What are the symptoms of brachial neuritis?臂丛神经损伤的症状有那些? Symptoms of brachial neuritis include: 症状包括: Severe pain in the upper arm or shoulder严重的上臂和肩膀的疼痛。 Pain usually affecting just one side of the body疼痛又是影响到身体的一侧。 After a few hours or days, the pain transitions to weakness, limpness, or paralysis in the muscles of the affected arm or shoulder几个小时或几天后疼痛变弱,而上臂无力、瘫痪加重 Lack […]

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