(video)TVNZ on tv one Close up about acupuncture and cupping
TVNZ on tv one about acupuncture and cupping,they came to DR WIN
CLINIC,show people acupuncture and cupping.Dr win huang told them acupuncture and cupping,and doing cupping for reporter.paitient who had acupuncture and cupping in DR WIN CLINIC told CLOSE UP that she felt very well,she belive acupuncture and cupping,Dr Win Huang is a good doctor in chinese medicine.
i have done acupuncture for 21 yrs, i got doctoral degree in acupuncture in Chinese university in 1995,and i had acupuncture work experience of big hospital in China,and i have the chinese medicine clinic in Newmarket Auckland NZ from 2003,so if you would like choose a acupuncturist to fix your problem,please come to my clnic ,you will have a excellent choice.
If you would like to make an appointment please call us on (09) 8150518 or visit us 1054 new north road ,mt albert. if you require more information you may e-mail us at hwenchuan@sina.com
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