The sinus tarsi is a tube or tunnel between the talus and the calcaneus bones. Sinus tarsi syndrome is pain or injury to this area. Traumatic injury to the ankle/foot (such as an ankle sprain) or overuse (such as repetitive standing or walking) are the main causes of this syndrome. We use long needle, acupuncture […]

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photo by PhD Win Huang  in 08/08/2019 photo by patient in 13/08/2019 it is a patient who came to see me on Thursday last week. He got the rash on both legs for two weeks, very itching, and the new rash come out every day. He went to see his family doctor who thought it […]

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His daughter is 9 years old, she is suffering from the night blindness, only invisible at night, but everything is fine at daytime. He find an acupuncturist in Turkey who might improve his daughter’s problems, so he take his daughter to Turkey to do acupuncture every year, she can get big improvements after acupuncture. But […]

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I’ve been suffering from prolonged (5 months or more) dry coughs every year since 2013. I’ve seen a &&, R&&&&&& Specialist, A&&&&& Specialist and other acu&&&&&rists but none of them could help me with this irritating coughs. But after getting PhD Win’s acupuncture along with his herbal medicine, my coughing has subsided significantly! I strongly […]

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From the introduction letter of her family doctor, we can know that she is a sprained right ankle joint after running for half year. She has been going to physical therapy, went to see orthopedics and sports experts, and also did X-ray examination. The joints and the inside of the calf are sore, and the […]

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Case jaw clicking I have had a clicking jaw for a few months, l was treated in a ph****therapy clinic but the result was disappointing. I found PhD win’s website and made an appointment with him. PhD win is professional but friendly and his clinic is very clean. PhD win assessed my symptoms and told […]

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She has paralysis for two years, can not lift her left arm normally. She come from Tahiti, her friend recommended her to see me. She feels very good after treatment, she could lift left arm easily.

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Boy, there is pimple for one year, worse with this for one month. He see me today. I give some herbs for him. Look at the results next week. After Taking herbs for 5 days   Girl, there is the skin problems for 5 years, worse with is one year. See me this Monday, give […]

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Hello PhD Win, I have just spoken with you. As explained, my doctor believes that I have ‘IC’ otherwise known as ‘painful bladder syndrome’. I have frequent urination (I cannot sleep for longer than 4 hours a night now it has gotten so bad), every half an hour I need to feel like I need […]

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sent the message by phone Hi Dr Win. C J here. I just thought I would let you know that I am now over the anxiety attacks. Took some western pills but very effective. Just wanted to let you know the acupuncture certainly helped a lot in the process and to thank you for your […]

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