Yesterday, a young patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis was treated by Chinese medicine, a 14-year-old boy, Chinese, suffering from lower limb joint pain for more than a year. Medical experts gave anti-inflammatory painkillers, but the effect was not good, and hormone shock therapy was given, but the improvement was not obvious, and finally, immunotherapy will […]
> View article【my opinion about the case】 1), just depending on the【FOLLOW-UP TO GASTROSCOPY & COLONOSCOPY REPORT】, then diagnosis the Crohn’s disease. whether next time it would be diagnosed after a repeat colonoscopy in 5 years to check for a mucosal granuloma and faecal calprotectin . I am writing by way of follow-up to my gastroscopy and […]
> View article1, 【GASTROSCOPY & COLONOSCOPY REPORT】 Thank you for referring this 35-year old lady for simultaneous gastroscopy and colonoscopy. INDICATION Understand she has been troubled by left upper quadrant pain for 4 months and intermittent suprapubic pain for about 2 years. Bowel habit is normal. Her faecal calprotectin is persistently elevated at 3 9 2 mcg/g […]
> View article1, 25/07/2022 he had to be picked up by a machine to place on the treating bed. 2, 30/ 08/2022 Now he can walk onto the bed with a little assistance and can also squat slightly. 3, 02/09/022 Now, he is able to get up from his wheelchair and walk onto the treating bed […]
> View article She come to see me to help her lower back pain, but she suffers from ganglion cyst for one year, during doing acupuncture, I do bleeding needle for her cyst. The ganglion cyst disappears when she head up to see it. It happened in seconds. She didn’t believe it completely.
> View articleHe fell from a one-meter high wall 5 months ago, he had a neck injury and got paraplegic. He couldn’t move his body from the neck and under. He is recovering gradually and slowly after hospital treatments. He started by gaining the ability to move his fingers and toes and then being able to lift […]
> View article1,Long-term health impacts of COVID-19 Most SARS-CoV-2 is still a relatively new virus and we still have a lot to learn about the long-term health impacts of COVID-19. The long-term physiological and psychological effects of COVID-19 are not yet fully known. New evidence on long COVID continues to emerge from around the world. people with […]
> View articleone case of the sciatic before and after
> View articleI do acupuncture for one case of the carpal tunnel syndrome , he feel pain, tingling , numbness, weakness in fingers and wrist for several years. He fells better after one session special acupuncture,
> View articlehe did 4 times surgery for his shoulder, it is a restructure operation. then he have a 18 months shoulder pain and limited movements of the right shoulder, he did many treatments, could not help him, his chinese friend want to him to see me, he did not trust it, finally he came to see […]
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