superficial peroneal nerve entrapment syndrome 腓浅神经皮支卡压症一例
superficial peroneal nerve entrapment syndrome
她扭伤一年多了,acc针灸已经过期,只有自费了。一个扭伤、骨裂,为什么到现在还痛的厉害,问题在哪里?请大家给个答案!欢迎理性讨论!she sprained her right ankle while fall, she still had more pain in the ankle, so went to see doctor and had a X-ray, showed the ankle fracture. she had to wear the boot for 4 months, then went to see ********, did the treatments for 3 and half months, but still more pain in the foot, specially in the weekend, sometimes she is lamping while walking. what wrong with the ankle? please give your answer.
第一次治疗 19/04/2023 the first treatment.第一次治疗
my answer, 第二次治疗10/05/2023 she did second treatment, she feels much better, the pain from 8-9/10 to 4/10
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