sore eye
Sore eyes
Most frequently, sore eyes happen when glaucoma, cluster headache, trigeminal neuralgia strikes, those are some common eye problem we normally see in clinic which we highly speak of. One of my patient came to see me for sore eye on left side. He was directed to see an eye doctor, meanwhile he was trying to seek other help, since his father had treatment in my clinic, he would like to have it a go as well. He could not open his eye when it is severely attacking him, upper border of inner corner of eye feels tense, pressure on the spot can relieve the pain. He could not fall asleep at night. He was having miserable life when he came to my clinic.
I did some physical test and basic enquiry to eliminate the possibility of diseases listed above, for example, patient who has glaucoma would not have pain outside eye, yet this patient did; patient was having consistent pain which instead trigeminal neuralgia or cluster headache has intermittent pain. Besides, trigeminal neuralgia would irritate the forehead over-sensitive or dull which in this case did not happen either. on the other hand, I have encountered several case that greater occipital nerve inflammation leads to eye problems before, so I suspect this problem is due to that nerve which runs along back and lateral side of the head. I treated him for six times, the pain has totally disappeared.
Greater occipital nerve originates from conjunction of cervical spine and base bone of head, it distributes all the posterial and lateral side of head, if anything wrong with that nerve, symptoms such as pain, sensation change would occur. some unusual symptoms happens on the front area, you need a professional to work to differentiate from trigeminal neurolgia, cluster headache and all other common diseases. feel free to call at 09-8150518. or visit dr win acupuncture at 1054 new north road, mount albert.
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