[ PhD Win Medical case] One Needle, One Point—Amazing Results for 2 Years of severe Shoulder Pain!
We see many patients like him every day. They come in with severe pain but leave feeling much better after acupuncture. Do you know why? Because we use special acupuncture points, special needles, and special techniques to treat them.
1,We use a special way of thinking about his problem. This patient has been experiencing right shoulder pain for two years. He has undergone CT, ultrasound, and MRI, which diagnosed a tendon tear, and he is currently waiting for surgery. If we simply focus on the tear based on the MRI, how could acupuncture possibly fix it—let alone provide immediate relief with just one needle? Instead, we take a different approach: we believe his pain is neuropathic and originates from the brachial plexus.
2,We use a special acupuncture point. The point is called Tian Chuang (天窗). We have found that it is particularly effective for neck, upper back, shoulder, and arm pain caused by brachial plexus entrapment.
3,We use a special type of needle. We use large and thick needles, typically 0.30mm to 0.40mm in diameter, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
4,We use a special acupuncture manipulation technique. The technique is called “Cang Gui Tan Xue” (苍龟探穴). When applied to Tian Chuang (天窗), it provides remarkable results. The key to success lies in the precise depth of needle insertion, which requires careful adjustment.
In short, this method is reproducible, easy to learn, and delivers immediate results.
我们用特殊的思维方式来看待他的病症。 这位患者右肩疼痛已持续两年,他做过 CT、超声和MRI,最终MRI报告显示肌腱撕裂,目前正在等待手术。如果我们按照MRI的诊断去思考问题,那针灸又怎么可能修复撕裂的肌腱,并且在一针之下立即见效呢? 因此,我们换了一种角度来看待他的疼痛——我们认为他的疼痛是神经痛,根源来自于臂丛神经。
我们使用特殊的腧穴。 这个腧穴叫做 “天窗”,我们发现它对于因臂丛神经受压导致的颈部、上背部、肩部及上肢疼痛特别有效。
我们使用特殊的针具。 我们使用较粗的大针,直径大约在 0.30mm ~ 0.40mm,以达到更好的治疗效果。
我们采用特殊的针刺手法。 这种手法称为 “苍龟探穴”,在 天窗穴 进行特定的针刺操作,其关键在于精准控制进针深度,这也是疗效的核心所在。
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