one case of the eye issues with acupuncture
the patient is lady, she is around 30 years old, she has the eye issues for two months, two months ago, she had a lower back pain, she went to see physio, during treatment, she could not see everything, suddenly it was dark around her, it last 30 minutes, slowly she can see something, but it is unclear, eye is flashing, and see something is rippled. next day she went to see her family doctor who recommend her to see specialist, the specialists gave her eye examinations with machine, but it could not find something wrong, no treatment, no mediation. last week she came to see me for her lower back pain, after acupuncture for her lower back pain, she asked me if I can do acupuncture for her eye issues, I told her that no trying, no gaining, so she try acupuncture for her eye issues. today she come to do acupuncture for her 2 time acupuncture, she tells me her eye is normal, no eye flashing, it is clear to see something, she is very happy and grateful for my acupuncture.
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