Infectious mononucleosis (kissing disease)
Infectious mononucleosis (IM; also known as glandular fever, and sometimes colloquially as the kissing disease from its oral transmission) is an infectious, widespread viral disease caused by the Esptein-Barr Virus(EBV). Occasionally, the symptoms can recur at a later period. Most people are exposed to the virus as children, when the disease produces no noticeable or only flu-like symptoms, clinically I met a guy who comes from England suffering from this disease, after about ten times of treatments, he is totally getting over with that.
He first had IM since he was 6 back in England. Unfortunately it has been with him ever since, recently he has headache, sore and swollen throat and surrounding tissues on neck, extremely fatigue that makes him feel hard to continue normal life, he went to see his GP who gave him nothing but advising him to rest in bed for several weeks. He knows what is happening to him and does not want to stay at home to rest, as an old patient of mine, he starts to seek a new treatment method from me, I did some examination on him and decided to use the combination of acupuncture and herb medicine. Points I only choose are mainly located on neck and the formula I give to him is aiming to open the blockage the throat region, it turns out the result is obviously positive on him and he does not need to worry about that any more.
Herb formulas are uncountable because it has too many, once the doctors know how to find the right one out for you by examining you properly. Magic will happen from interactions between different herbs. If you do have some problem that western medicine could not help by all means. Why do not you give us a call at 09-8150518 or visit us 1054 new north road, mount albert, Auckland.
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