Had to go to toilet every 20 minutes | frequent urination for 2 yrs | every check is normal | 尿频2年多
Had to go to toilet every 20 minutes | frequent urination for 2 yrs | every check is normal | 尿频2年多
How would you think of it if you were suffering from frequent urination? And all the examinations were normal, such as urine test, B-ultrasound, where to go to see after taking antibiotics, and finally she chose acupuncture, and chose us after she had no hope. Dramatically, she felt so much better, urinating frequency decreased from 20 times to 2-3 hours, her lower back pain almost disappeared, in fact it did only one session, unbelievable, amazed 当你患上尿频你是怎么想的,当你做了各项检查一切正常,并服了抗生素,仍然尿频,你再去找谁看病。最后,在她无望的时候,她选择了针灸,并且选择了我们。 不可想象的是,只做了一次针灸,她就感到好很多,尿频减轻,从20分钟去厕所一次,到2-3 小时一次,腰几乎不痛了,不可思议,太神奇了。
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