Degenerative diseases
Degenerative diseases
As you may see from the title,the population group which these diseases I am going to discuss occur in senior citizens commonly, but the fact is they tend to appear in younger people. Speeding up with the strong competition all over the world,our life pace is turning into a faster model. Because of all the attractions and entertainment happening around us, our body function is adjusting itself and trying to fit in it, it seems to get old fast than the way it was.
Now I am going to talk about two degenerative diseases that chinese medicine, more specifically massage , herb and acupuncture mainly can give a quite positive effect on.
Degenerative disc disease is the degeneration of intervertebral disc of the spine, it is normally one result of aging, however,in the last ten years, it starts to happen in young adult because of their job,unexpected accidents,or bad habbit and so on. It may become one of the factors that cause your back pain, speaking of
This,western medicine only can do operation which some of the victims would have to take high risk,another option they can give is pain killer. On the contrary, there are lot of things Chinese medicine can do to give a fresh-new experience and help you a lot with acupuncture,herbs and massage.
If you have already known you have got it or have doubt about whether you got it please contact us and here are some clinical features that you can check out DIY:
– chronic back pain sometimes radiates to the hip while walking.
– Tingling or weakness in the knee.
– Increased pain while sitting,bending,lifting and twisting.
– Chronic neck pain can also be caused in the upper spine with pain radiating to the shouders,arms and hands.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac joint. It is also systematic disease affecting other tissues,muscles and joints. Eventually it can cause complete fusion of the spine which results in rigidity in vertebral joints along the spine, a condition known as “bamboo spine”.
Basically the symptoms are related to inflammation of spine,joints and other organs.
-pain and stiffness in and around spine,which becomes worse in the morning or after prolonged periods od inactivity. in some case,loss of mobility of spine due to complete fusion of spine.
-inflammation in or injury to other joints away from the spine and to other organ such as eyes,heart,lung and kidneys.
-chronic spondylitis and ankylosis cause forward curvature of thoracic spine which reduces breathing capacity.
Above information is provided for reference,if still not sure of your current body condition, plsease visit:https://drwin.co.nz。 1054 new north road mt albert auckland 09-8150518
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