Common peritoneal nerve injury
she was sitting on floor with cross legs for 30 minutes, feeling twisted left ankle while standing from floor, then sharp ache on left ankle and weakness,. she went to bed after using any chinese medicine oil. she can not walking normally, when she getting from bed, sore and weakness on left ankle, so coming to see me immediately. I give her examination, finding that she can not move feet up, and feeling dull on left lower leg and back of feet while picking with needle. so I think it is common peritoneal nerve injury. giving her acupuncture, feeling much better, after first acupuncture. PhD Win Huang
这个患者以左踝关节疼,无力等来诊, 患者也说昨天站立时扭伤了踝关节,如果随着患者的思路走,一定也在踝关节扭伤上打转。检查时患者不能完全背屈,按压踝关节外侧疼痛明显,也符合踝关节扭伤后的特点。看到患者单腿跳着进入诊所,踝关节处还贴了一块膏药,更像踝关节扭伤的氛围。但是,详细询问,患者站立时,也没有明显的扭伤,患者单腿跳着,不是左踝关节疼痛难忍,而是因为脚尖抬不起来;患者背屈无力,不是踝关节疼痛不能用力,而是用力用不上;按压踝关节处疼痛,并且检查时,小腿外侧,足背处有感觉迟钝。根据我的问诊和检查,诊断为腓总神经损伤。治疗一次后,踝关节活动明显好转,足下垂减轻,能小布走路。继续治疗中。
after three sessions treatments
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