As we all know,new zealand population is quite keen to liqour, there are lots of shop selling various of drinks around us. Since liver is the organ that works to detoxificate stuff which our body does not like, drinking too much may play a severe disastrous outcome to it. Apart from that,there are other risk factors that should be concerned : Chronic viral hepatitis; Prolonged bile duct blockage ; Drugs; toxins ; Heredity (cyctic fibrosis); Autoimmune Hepatitis ; Non-alcoholic fatty liver.
To identify whether or not you get this disease,there are basic symptoms that you should consider :
Early Stages: Fatigue, weakness, nausea, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea from malabsorption and dull pain due to liver inflammation.
If you do have more than three,you are meant to check your liver to ensure things do not going bad still.
Late Stages: Oesophageal vein bleeding due to portal hypertension, Jaudice, intense skin itching, gallstones, immune system dysfunction, coagulation defeats, pleural effusions, changes in mental function, testicular atrophy, liver cancer.
Complications are other problems someone may get if you are treated after cirrhosis. Some common complications are as follows:
More frequent infections. If you have cirrhosis, your body may have difficulty fighting infections.
Malnutrition. Cirrhosis may make it more difficult for your body to process nutrients. This can lead to weakness and weight loss.
High levels of toxins in the blood (hepatic encephalopathy). A liver damaged by cirrhosis isn’t able to clear toxins from the blood as well as a healthy liver can. Toxins in the blood can cause confusion and difficulty concentrating.
Bleeding related to increasing pressure in the main vein that brings blood to the liver (portal hypertension). Scar tissue can make it difficult for blood to flow freely through the liver. This causes increased pressure in the portal vein, which causes blood to be redirected to smaller veins near the liver. Those smaller veins may become overwhelmed by the pressure and can burst, causing serious bleeding. Building pressure can also enlarge the veins in your esophagus, which can lead to life-threatening bleeding.
Abdominal and leg swelling. Fluid can accumulate in the abdomen and legs, causing swelling. This may occur as a complication of portal hypertension or when liver fails to make certain blood proteins.
Increased risk of liver cancer. Cirrhosis can increase your risk of liver cancer.
Other Complications: Jaudice, Respiratory difficulty and pleural effusion, renal and liver failure, coagulopathy.
It is always good to enjoy the fun from the alcohol when people gather together, at the meantime,we also need to remind us of health over and over. If you cross the line again and again,someday it will come back to you.
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