Category: about acupuncture

  2,YouTube链接 Had to go to toilet every 20 minutes | frequent urination for 2 yrs | every check is normal | 尿频2年多 How would you think of it if you were suffering from frequent urination? And all the examinations were normal, such as urine test, B-ultrasound, where to go to see after taking antibiotics, […]

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  2,YouTube Link one case of the ulnar nerve entrapment for 1 year 尺神经卡压一例   tight and numb in the little finger小手指麻木 worse while tired and more working累和工作加重 numbness in the little finger and half fourth finger小手指和第四指一般感觉迟钝 Tinel sign positive  Tinel证阳性 so acupuncture for it针灸治疗 Thanks 【PhD Win thinks about the case】 1, numbness in […]

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小红书链接 足背中间皮神经卡压症一例(腓浅神经) YouTube链接 there a pain between third toe and fourth toe for several months, especially she walks in the beath without the shoe, she feels more pain, but she can not feel pain with shoe while walking. examination, sensitive when puncture the skin on the back of foot, sharp pain. tenderness in one points. […]

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Symptoms: Right ear blockage, noisy ear, and hearing loss for 2 weeks Sensitivity in the right back of the head Tenderness at the Fengchi point (GB20) Prolonged sitting work Mild headache and dizziness Mild neck tightness and pain Diagnosis: Cervical sympathetic entrapment

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The left neck and shoulder pain for 4 years, she went to see specialist, and injection, saw physio, take the painkiller, nothing. Her colleague is a Chinses, recommended me to her. who wants her to try Chinese medicine. Before coming she wants to cry due to the SEVERE pain, but just 30 minutes she is […]

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With a sore shoulder, there are many paths to choose from. Exercising at home by self; taking anti-inflammatory painkillers; doing physical therapy; blocking; doing massage: and acupuncture. Which method is useful? it depends on whether the therapist has seen the essence of the shoulder pain? You’ve ruptured your tendon, and you’re still exercising and doing […]

> View article WINNER FOR The Best Acupuncture in Auckland FEEDBACK The Quality Business Awards recognizes businesses that achieve an average quality score of 95% or greater over the previous 12 months. To learn more about our selection criteria, please click here. The winner for the category of The Best Acupuncture in Auckland can be seen below. […]

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she is taking Quetiapine for many years, she started the left face muscle spasm and her tongue came out, twice a week, lasting several minutes to hours,. but recently it happens too often, almost every day, and last several hours, last night last 4 and a half, and she went to the hospital, but doctors […]

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she came to see us after 10 days while she suffered from the left foot drop, her drop foot became almost normal, after 4 sessions acupuncture and cupp ing, she like walking, and 15km one day, and she is 60 years old, so her lower leg muscle too tight, then damaged the peroneal nerve.

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The 2023 New Year’s Day holiday is coming to an end, and we will start working again on the 8th of this Sunday. I went to tidy up the clinic today, replaced the new clinic cabinets, trimmed the green plants in the clinic, bought a few pots of flowers and plants, started a new 2023 […]

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