[PhD Win Huang’s opinion] we do acupuncture for 4 cases of Bell’s palsy in one day
Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. They may include muscle twitching, weakness, or total loss of the ability to move one, and in rare cases, both sides of the face.
The cause of bell’s palsy is unknown and some believe that reactivation of an existing (dormant) viral infection may cause the disorder. Currently, there is no known cure; however, natural recovery (without any active treatment) usually begins 2 weeks to 6 months from the onset of the symptoms. Most people with bell’s palsy can recover full facial strength and expression, naturally. Severe cases require treatment to achieve full recovery.
We have been seeing quite a few cases of bell’s palsy at our clinic recently.
Case1: male, 50 years old, Japanese. He has suffered from bell’s palsy in his right face for two months before seeing us and this is the third time he has suffered from this disorder. He cannot close right eye and his right mouth droops. When this happened the first and second time, he achieved full recovery; the third time however has been slower than the previous two occasions. For this reason, he has come to see us for acupuncture. It’s rare to see a case where the patient has suffered from this disorder three times on the same side of the affected face, all within a 5-year period.
Case2: male, 12 years old, Vietnam. He has suffered from bell’s palsy for two days before visiting us at the clinic with an inability to move his muscle on his right face or close his right eye completely. This is the second time he has suffered from this disorder. He is continuing his acupuncture treatment and making good progress.
Case3: female, 38 years old, Chinese. She has suffered from bell’s palsy for two months before seeing us, and it is her first time. She hasn’t been able to move her left face muscles, nor close her left eye completely. Treatment is continuing and we are seeing good progress with recovery.
Case4: female, 27 years old, European. She has suffered from bell’s palsy for three months on one side of her face before beginning her acupuncture treatment and has been receiving regular sessions at our clinic for a month already. We are seeing big improvements, but further progress could be made as she still cannot close her eye completely.
In generally, most cases can recover completely in about one month without requiring medical intervention. However, his winter we are seeing more bell’s palsy cases, some achieving much slower recovery naturally. Based on the cases we’ve seen at our clinic, we suspect this could be due to stronger virus going around weakening people’s immune system.
In addition to the four cases above, we’ve achieved great outcome in the past using acupuncture for patients suffering from severe bell’s palsy, one had it for 4 months and another for 7 months without natural recovery and requiring active treatment. Both had full recovery after acupuncture treatments at our clinic. For this reason, we have full confidence we are able to help our bell’s palsy patients.
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