How to take care of your heart?
1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure according to the WHO (World Health Organization) . This is a worrying percentage for two reasons: One, because as we have seen many people suffer from it. Second because many of them are unaware that they are hypertensive.
Being hypertensive and not taking measures to control it can have important health consequencessuch as heart attack, kidney failure, stroke or vision problems, among others.
But what exactly is hypertension?
The heart pumps blood to the arteries so that it can be distributed throughout the body. If the heart has to use a lot of force for a prolonged amount of time to pump blood every time it beats, it is called hypertension.
Most hypertensive people do not show symptoms so it is important to measure blood pressure periodically and become aware of how some measures can help us avoid becoming hypertensive:
Follow a healthy diet by reducing salt intake and saturated fats
Avoid drinking alcohol
Perform physical exercise periodically and control weight
Quit smoking
Learn to control and manage stress.
Keeping these healthy habits in mind can greatly help our heart health.
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