I had acupuncture and herbs tea for my asthma
I had acupuncture and herbs tea for my asthma
By Julia
I have suffered from asthma for 20 years,i used Ventolin for many years,but in these years my asthma become worse, so I use Flixotide to reduce my asthma.
My friend recommed me to see Dr Win Huang,he had also asthma for many years, but his problem is very well now , afer Acupuncture and herbs tea in Dr Win Clinic.
I is feeling much better, it is my feeling after first 5 doses herbs tea below.
—Very quick relief.
—No tightness in the chest.
— a lot of phlegm coming up which is good.
—my breathing become a lot clearer which is good.
—I likeed this medicine very much it helped me a lot.
—I am using flixotide every second day.
So i also recommend Dr win Huang to you.
visit us on 1054 new north road mt albert auckland or phone09-8150518
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