[PhD Win Huang clinical case record ] sharp pain behind right eye, sharp pain behind eye, migraine, occipital neuralgia, one side headache, severe fatigue, acupuncture, like knitting needle poking the eye into the brain through whole head
Sharp pain behind the eye.
It is not the migraine.
1, the pain was constant for 4 months, no stopping.
2, sensitive in the back of the right head.
3, more tenderness in the right neck.
4, strong painkillers could not stop the pain.
It is occipital neuralgia.
1. The pain in the back of the head radiates to the eye, causing severe pain behind the eye.
2. It is sensitive in the right back of my head but has a normal feeling in the right front of my head.
3, more tenderness in the right neck and he feels the right eye pain. 3, acupuncture in the [fengchi] he feels much better after 2 sessions.
acupuncture in the Fengchi point mainly.
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