post paralytic facial syndrome and related knowledge needing know
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post paralytic facial syndrome and related knowledge needing know
We know that there is the paralysis of the facial muscle, tearing, losing taste and heavy sound in the influence side after bell’s palsy. but some of the bell’s palsy patients have some post palsy symptoms, such as the common facial muscle spasm, also the special symptoms such as below, people would don’t know what happed, and the reason if the facial muscle palsy was not too obvious.
1, Crocodile tear syndrome. Bogorad’s syndrome or gustatolacrimal reflex.
When patient is eating food, he/she will tear in one eye which be affected by facial muscle palsy. It is different from the common tear, which directly being caused by injured Lacrimal gland fibres after bell’s palsy, but the Crocodile tear is caused by the cross of the lacrimal and saliva gland fibres. When eating cause, the secretion of saliva and also stimulate the lacrimal nerve fibres, so tearing.
2, A phenomenon known as synkinesis
It is a Combined facial muscle movement. When the eyes are closed, the corners of the mouth move toward the affected side, or when the corners of the mouth move, the patient closes the eyes. In generally people can control single muscle movement in face, such as close eye, pouting, frown etc.
3, Sensitivity to sounds.
Hyperacusis is a type of reduced tolerance to sound. People with hyperacusis often find ordinary noises too loud, while loud noises can cause discomfort and pain.
Also, the motor nucleus supplies the auricular muscles, the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, the stapedius muscle, and the stylohyoid muscle.
4, Changes in their sense of taste.
Incomplete sensory regeneration can also occur as a result of Bell’s palsy. Deterioration or loss of taste (also known as dysgeusia or ageusia respectively) can occur after partial regeneration of the chorda tympani (an important branch of the facial nerve that carries taste information from the anterior part of the tongue). This condition is known as dysesthesia.
5, Ramsay Hunt syndrome.
It is caused by infection with herpes zoster, presents with herpetiform vesicular lesions, dysfunction of the vestibulocochlear apparatus, and facial paralysis. In contrast to Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt syndrome is more painful, has a lower rate of recovery, and a significantly higher risk of hearing loss.
6, the bell’s palsy different from the central facial paralysis.
Central facial palsy is the paralysis of the lower half of one side of the face. This condition is often caused by a stroke. This condition is often the result of damage of the upper motor neurons of the facial nerve.
The lower party of face normally is controlled by upper motor neurons located on only one side of the cortex – the opposite side; the upper face, however, is controlled by pathways from both side of the cortex, even though the upper motor neurons on the left are destroyed, other on the right remain, and the right upper face continues to function fairly well. so, raising eye frown is normal, but the pouting is weakness.
Some cases the lesion is small or slight, it is very difficulty to different from peripheral facial palsy and central facial paralysis, especially no other symptoms, such as unclear speaking, limbs paralysis, so doing abdomen reflex is important, in generally it is central face palsy if the reflex is weakness or loss.
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