One leg longer than the other, How to tell, and what to do.
He had lower back pain for several months, and did many treatments, but no improvements . in fact his lower back pain duo to the long -short legs, the lower back pain disappear, after acupuncture and manipulation , sharing the case with friends.
One leg longer than the other, How to tell, and what to do.
Functional LLD In functional LLD, the leg bones are equal in length. However, one leg appears longer than the other due to an issue with one of the following body parts:
hip pelvis
In children, functional LLD can occur when a child is born with an issue that alters their hip alignment.
In adults, functional LLD can result from chronic pain or arthritis and associated problems in the spine, hip, or knee. Neuromuscular conditions are another potential cause of functional LLD, as these conditions can affect a person’s alignment and posture.
Treating functional LLD .The treatment for functional LLD typically involves acupuncture, specific exercises to correct areas of imbalance and weakness. It is also important to correct poor posture. The exact type and number of interventions that a person needs will depend on the underlying cause and severity of the LLD. Exercising and functional LLD Exercises may help correct some functional LLDs. However, it is important that people use the correct stretching and strengthening techniques. They should also take care to exercise the side of the body that will help correct the LLD. To avoid causing further issues, it may be sensible to seek the help of a acupuncturist who have experience and high quality in Chinese medicine. The therapist can identify areas of imbalance and recommend appropriate exercises.
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