【Rhinitis medical cases】 Acupuncture for rhinitis in MT Albert Auckland NZ
she has had rhinitis for two yrs, blocked nose, always feels something in the nose and running nose. she had her first acupuncture in last week, she feels much better, no blocked nose. it is her second treatment.
He has had rhinitis for many yrs, blocked nose, sneezing and running nose. he did first antihistamine injection three yrs ago, it was very good. he has blocked hose for two mts this time, he did antihistamine injection again, but no effective, so he wants to try acupuncture, he feels much better, after two sessions acupuncture, no blocked nose. no running, no sneezing, it is her third treatment
Tags: Acupuncture, Allergic rhinitis, Auckland, blocked nose, rhinitis, sneezing and running nose
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