1, 小红书链接 one case of the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months with acupuncture 趾间神经痛一例  2, YouTube链接 one case of the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months with acupuncture 趾间神经痛一例    the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months, stone and pebble in the shoe, jabbing in the foot, more tenderness between the third and fourth‘ Metatarsus, there is […]

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她扭伤一年多了,acc针灸已经过期,只有自费了。一个扭伤、骨裂,为什么到现在还痛的厉害,问题在哪里?请大家给个答案!欢迎理性讨论! she sprained her right ankle while fall, she still had more pain in the ankle, so went to see doctor and had a X-ray, showed the ankle fracture. she had to wear the boot for 4 months, then went to see ********, did the treatments for 3 and half months, but still more pain […]

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acupuncture for foot plantar fasciitis—-heel pain, foot pain She has the left heel pain for 4 months, especially since she can not stand with the left heel, in the everyday morning, so she can not do regular exercise, putting more weight, making her heel pain worse and worse. her husband had lower back pain, he […]

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she has punching needle pain on the left third and fourth toes for one year and half. severe pain when she walk for 5 and 10 minutes, so stopping walk, then have a rest, the pain on toes will disappear. she went to see many doctors and did many treatment, no change about the pain, […]

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I went to doctor Win because I was having pain in my right foot for a while with a stress response. I play competitive football and had been out for about 1.5 months and needed to get back into it ASAP. My foot wasn’t really healing and the d—-s/ s—-ts couldn’t do much as they […]

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