2, youtube 链接 One case of the left Lower back pain due to the gluteal nerve entrapment | NZ Auckland Acupuncture it is easy to make wrong diagnosis and treatment for the Pseudo-lumbar sprain pain he has the lower back pain for 3 weeks, and did some treatments, but still more sharp pain in […]

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  2,YouTube Link one case of the ulnar nerve entrapment for 1 year 尺神经卡压一例   tight and numb in the little finger小手指麻木 worse while tired and more working累和工作加重 numbness in the little finger and half fourth finger小手指和第四指一般感觉迟钝 Tinel sign positive  Tinel证阳性 so acupuncture for it针灸治疗 Thanks 【PhD Win thinks about the case】 1, numbness in […]

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 YouTube链接 acupuncture and cupping help the one case of abdominal pain for 10 针灸拔罐治疗一例腹痛十年 acupuncture and cupping help the one case of burning abdominal pain for 10 years burning pain in the area around belly button in the abdomen check every thing are normal still more pain after medicine there is a sensitive area where […]

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第一次诊治视频(30/06/2023) 1,小红书链接 one case of radial nerve entrapment with acupuncture [the honeymoon hand syndrome]针灸蜜月手一例 2, YouTube链接 one case of radial nerve entrapment with acupuncture [the honeymoon hand syndrome]针灸蜜月手一例 Left arm and webbing area shooting pain, numbness, and cold for 20 days at night and cold weather worse left thumb is numbness and cold went to […]

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1,小红书链接 one case right abdominal pain for half year with acupuncture右上腹疼痛半年东欧女性病例 2, YouTube链接 one case right abdominal pain for half year with acupuncture右上腹疼痛半年东欧女性病例 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 【曾经治疗的顽固腹部疼痛病例】 1,intercostal neuralgia for five years, his pain gone 95 per cent after acupuncture first his pain is on the right back, then travels to the right up abdomen, comes and […]

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1, 小红书链接 one case of the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months with acupuncture 趾间神经痛一例  2, YouTube链接 one case of the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months with acupuncture 趾间神经痛一例    the interdigital neuralgia for 3 months, stone and pebble in the shoe, jabbing in the foot, more tenderness between the third and fourth‘ Metatarsus, there is […]

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1,小红书链接 one case of gluteal epithelial nerve entrapment” pseudosciatica“假性坐骨神经痛,臀上皮神经卡压症 2,YouTube链接 one case of gluteal epithelial nerve entrapment” pseudosciatica“假性坐骨神经痛,臀上皮神经卡压症   one case of gluteal epithelial nerve entrapment” pseudosciatica“ left hip pain for 10 days the pain radiates to left hamstring no pain in the left lower leg sensitive in the gluteal area tenderness in one point […]

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1,小红书链接 right feet pain at night for 6 weeks 夜里右脚烧灼痛六周,加重十天 2, YouTube 链接 right feet pain at night for 6 weeks 夜里右脚烧灼痛六周,加重十天

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1,小红书链接 155cm, but 85kg, so lower legs itch and tingling 小腿疼 搔痒 2, youtube 链接 155cm, but 85kg, so lower legs itch and tingling 小腿疼 搔痒 He is an Indian, 155cm, but 55kg, big stomach, so he has lots of body problems. diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problem. both legs tingling and itching for […]

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1, 小红书链接 加入我们,讨论这个肩痛8个月的病例 2, YouTube链接 肩膀疼的几个特点,Several characteristics of the shoulder pain, 干活不痛,休息痛, No pain at work, no pain at rest 夜里痛醒, wake up at night 活动肩关节不痛, Active shoulder without pain 后背,颈部有压痛点, Tender points in the back, neck 压后背放射到肩部, Press the back and radiate to the shoulder 你认为是什么问题?What do you think is the problem? 不要讨论我的英文,重点请理性讨论这个病案 Don’t […]

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