Secondary epilepsy | localized epilepsy | arm pain numbness| 黄博士病例分享|继发性癫痫|局限性癫痫|发作性上肢麻痛||奥克兰中医诊所
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| 黄博士病例分享|继发性癫痫|局限性癫痫|发作性上肢麻痛||奥克兰中医诊所
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Secondary epilepsy | localized epilepsy | arm pain numbness| 黄博士病例分享|继发性癫痫|局限性癫痫|发作性上肢麻痛||奥克兰中医诊所
After a major epileptic seizure, he was diagnosed with a stroke. Six months later, he developed paroxysmal pain and numbness in his upper limbs, 1-2 times a week, 2-3 minutes each time. Even after taking anti-epileptic drugs, he still had localized seizures, so he sought help from traditional Chinese medicine. Scalp acupuncture treatment, see the results after six treatments!
昨天治疗一例阵发性左上肢麻痛一年多的患者,非常少见。他是全身抽搐,去医院诊断为小中风,中风后半年出现左上肢的麻痛,非常痛,pins needle,发作时清醒,上肢活动还可以,每周1-2次,每次2-3分钟。因为少见,特殊,特记录一下。与朋友分享!
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